
Design Competition at Bandung Tourism Institute 2011

The First Trophy from Design Logo Competition of Bandung Tourism Institute 2011. Responsibility and Professionality are the main topic of the competition. Let me introduce..

This is picture number 1, Matches with a Fire-Flame is meaning for Responsibility from the person who has to work with Profesionality. With a Couple of Black Arrow, meaning for our flexibility to accept for any program do you receive. if you look that picture for a while, it will be show you a human with 2 hands. Right hand is appointing into the air that reminds you What is Responsibility and Profesionality

This is picture number 2, The man and woman with black colour, two of arrow, blue and orange. First of all, The man and woman are meaning for the persons who has knew for will they do in their Responsibility. The two of arrows are meaning for Profesionality that they have to do in their life. blue is wisely and orange is strong for making decisions. simple but meaningful

The simple one is Light Lamp. if you want to see the light of that lamp, you have to mix them, Responsibility and Profesionality. Surely, the lights on ...
understood? if the answer is Yes, Done! You did it well .

The Winner Is.......